Happy Tuesday to all of you guys. I hope that you’ve had an awesome weekend and a great start to the week. Usually, these newsletters come out Monday morning at a crisp 9 am EST, but since I was on a plane going over to the West Coast of Canada yesterday, I couldn’t send one out. Nevertheless, we are here, and knowledge is about to be dropped.
I’ve been back home for a few weeks and catching up with a lot of my good friends, and a few of them have talked to me about being in a rut as of late; basically saying that their jobs and their lives aren’t where they want them to be. They asked me what my advice for them would be, and I want to briefly share it with you.
“Invest In Yourself”
That is what I told all of them. Most of us go through the classic 21st-century progression of adulthood: go to college, get absolutely blitzed by grades and have your mental health suffer, realize life comes at you fast and go get the best-paying job you can find, and work in it/bounce around until you start a family.
The main problem with this (and there are many) is that you get torched at a young age and develop problems that need to be fixed but you don’t work on them or actually face the reality of your situation. You think that taking the easy way out - finding a job - is a good enough distraction to get by until you get in another rut.
What’s the solution? Invest in yourself. Whether you’re reading this and you’re 18, 25, 36, 45, 68, or 120 years old, it’s never too late to start prioritizing yourself. You need to decide to put things on hold in your life and focus on doing something to change your perspective about yourself, your desires, and the journey that it’ll take to get there.
How To Do This? (Briefly)
Take a trip to a place that you’ve never been to before and stay somewhere that you’ve never stayed before, and give yourself goals that you’ve never given yourself before. Example: Go to Costa Rica for a week, stay in a hostel, and make it a goal to learn how to surf and make as many friends as possible.
The easiest way to “just do it?” Book your flight today and make it non-refundable. Then you have no choice but to go.
Of course, there are other ways to invest in yourself that don’t require travel, but travel is the most impactful self-help habit that you can commit to. That’s why my brand is focused on it… because it works. Get out of your comfort zone, get out of your bubble, and watch the magic begin to happen.
So, the bottom line is, I want you to start shifting the way you see what’s happened to you in life and start looking forward by prioritizing the concept of investing in yourself.
Instead of doing the same thing over and over again to distract yourself from reality, come face to face with it.
It’s the least you can do.
And that, my friends, is a mindset.
Have a great day.
5 Journal Prompts To Try This Week
What’s the first thing you turn to when you’re sad? Is it healthy?
Write down one of your long-term goals in life.
Imagine a crystal ball that can give you the answer to one question about your future. What would you ask? What would you hope to see?
Describe 5 nice things that happened to you in the past week. Then, list 5 nice things you will do for others next week.
Where do you see yourself in 6 months?
Photo Of The Week
Celebrated the last episode of my 6-month long Cross-Canada series!
Motivational Quote Of The Day
“Easy life, hard choices. Hard life, easy choices.” - Jerzy Gregorek