What’s up fam!
As you know, Sprouht is all about exploring what it takes to live a more fulfilling life, and in order to achieve this…
We must talk about regret.
The Biggest Regrets Of 80 Year Olds
I know it might sound depressing… But it’s no secret that most elderly people have regrets at the end of their lives.
Some of the most recurring regrets of the elderly are:
“I wish I hadn’t worried so much about what others think.”
“I should have pursued opportunities that came my way.”
“I didn’t challenge myself enough and stayed in my comfort zone.”
“I worked too much. I should have spent more time with those I love.”
“I wish I had traveled more. I didn’t see the world.”
By the way, check out these videos for more insightful interviews:
👉 80 Year Olds Share Their BIGGEST Mistakes
👉 Strangers Share What It Feels Like To Be THEIR Age
How To Live Your Life Without Regrets
What is the best way to ensure you don’t end up with all those regrets when you get older?
Based on research and personal experience, it all comes down to a few principles:
1- Be true to yourself
Don’t be a people pleaser. Period. Do what makes you happy and be yourself, no matter what.
2- Spend time with those you love
Our time on Earth is limited, and no one lives forever. Make sure you make time for family, friends and loved ones.
3- Express your feelings
Repressing how you feel will make you miserable and you’ll never be at peace. Express your love, gratitude or apologies to people around you: don’t be afraid to be honest.
4- Take care of your health
Your body is the only one you’ll ever have. Treat it with respect and take care of yourself: exercise, eat nutritious food, and sleep enough. It’s also really important to actively take care of your mental health: focus and make time for it!
5- Pursue personal growth
Never stop improving. Grow your knowledge, learn new skills, and cultivate wisdom. For example, journaling and meditation are great exercises to know more about yourself.
6- Travel and experience new things
Step out of your comfort zone. Challenge yourself. Go where you’ve never been before and experience different cultures.
Now, remember these principles are there to guide you, not regiment your life. Nobody is perfect, but understanding what life has to offer will help you get to where you want to be faster.
The bottom line is that, while no one can live a “perfect life”… We can all strive to make the most out of it.
It is NEVER too late to make a change, guys.
It’s a mindset.