Hi Sprouht fam!
We hope you had an amazing week.
In case you haven’t seen Will’s last email yet: you can now pre-order your own Sprouht 365 Day Guided Journal. This is the EXACT framework that has helped Will go from feeling lost and unfulfilled, to living his dream life, building an amazing brand, and travelling all around the world. Check it out here, before they’re all gone.
Today’s topic is about improving your sleep. Time to take back control of your nights and feel rested every morning!
Simple Problem
We all know how important sleep is for our health, whether it’s physical or mental. But for many of us, sleep is something we struggle with: short nights, poor sleep quality, difficulty to fall asleep…
So how can you concretely improve your sleep, starting now?
3 Actionable Solutions
Stick to a regular sleeping schedule to condition your body to shut down at the same time every night.
Create a healthier evening routine, to increase the odds of a good night sleep.
Practice centering yourself in the present moment, and become the master of your thoughts.
3 Simple First Steps
*Each first step is directly related to its own actionable solution (matching number)*
Start waking up at the same time every day, so you feel tired around the same time too. Important note: if you go to bed later than usual, it’s still good to wake up at your regular time (you’ll be tired one day, but back on track that following night).
For now, start with these simple rules for your evening routine:
No screen time 1 hour before bed
No physical activity in the last 2 hours of the day
Write down your thoughts, if you have too many, so you know you can go over them the next day
The easiest way to master your mind is to practice meditation (see Dare of the Week below). I also suggest you read The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle.
Dare of the Week
This week’s challenge is to practice meditation for 5 minutes every day. Meditation can have a tremendous effect on your anxiety, better sleep, peace of mind and overall mental health.
It doesn’t need to take a lot of time out of your day for you to start reaping the benefits! If you’re only starting out, focus on counting your breath from 1 to 10 for the whole period of time.
🫵 We’d love to see you complete your challenge! Share your selfie or video on Instagram with the hashtag #DareOfTheWeek, and make sure to tag @sprouht
Simple Advice
“We first make our habits, then our habits make us.”
While we may not be able to directly shape our future, we can all build good habits. And good habits are what shape our everyday life, help us evolve over time, and eventually change our future. So if ever you feel overwhelmed by your long-term goals, remember to focus on the small things you can change now. The rest will follow.
It’s A Mindset.
P.S. Here are a few more ways we can help:
🎥 1. Subscribe to Sprouht's YouTube Channel for a ton of insights, life lessons, and in-depth analyses on the questions we all want answers to.
📞 2. Want Will to PERSONALLY help you build a 6-figure business, grow your social media presence to 100K+, and help you figure out what you want to do with your life? Check out his 1-1 Coaching.
💭 3. Download the Sprouht Journal Template to change your life forever.
About the Writer
Hi! I’m Simon, one of Sprouht’s contributors. 🙂 I love fitness, self growth and outdoors.
I’m also an email copywriter, based in Montreal.
Need copy or email marketing for your business? Reach out to: simon@smconversion.com